Press Release: A desperate move from BPAS as they launch 'over the phone' centralised abortion booking system

Precious Life have described as a "truly desperate, despicable move," the launch of a Central Abortion Booking System for women in Northern Ireland. The system has been launched by the pro-abortion British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) who also plan to promote it in GP surgeries.

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth said, “BPAS will book abortion appointments over the phone without any proper consultation, and organise flights and accommodation for NI women travelling for abortions. This is all at the expense of the British taxpayer - money that could be used in Britain's deteriorated health service.”

“The British Pregnancy Advisory ‘Service’ is more interested in making a lucrative amount of money from abortions than they are with women's health. Abortion is not a 'service' to women but rather, a major disservice.”

She added, “BPAS will also be promoting the booking system to GPs in Northern Ireland. They want to effectively change our GPs into abortion referral agencies. This is a truly desperate, despicable move.”

Mrs Smyth explained, “Women facing crisis pregnancies do not need abortion agencies like BPAS or Marie Stopes. Rather, they need pro-woman organisations that actually care about them and have their best interests at heart. Pro-woman organisations like Stanton Healthcare NI are here to help women and to provide the care and support they need.”

Bernadette Smyth concluded, “We are calling on the people of Northern Ireland to increase their support for the Stanton Healthcare project. We believe in life-affirming alternatives which give women access to quality care, dignity, respect and compassion. We will be accelerating our efforts to offer women the alternatives they need, so that women are safe from an industry, which for years has killed babies and exploited women in return for huge profits.”


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