Candle-Light Rosary Procession

8th December 2013


Candle-Light Rosary Procession

You are personally invited to our annual Candle-Light Rosary Procession in Derry on Sunday 8th December - in honour of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Patroness of the Unborn.

We will honour these beautiful Feasts in these dark days when the "culture of death" has overshadowed Ireland. That’s why this Rosary Procession is so important. We must be the "light of the world" in the global battle against abortion.

We will assemble at the Guildhall at 4.30pm and proceed through the streets behind the 'Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for Ireland.' As we pray the Rosary, our special intention will be that, through Our Lady’s intercession, we will be successful in our campaigns to protect Ireland from the scourge of abortion.

Future generations of unborn children are depending on what we do NOW! Please mark this date in your diary - Sunday 8th December - and make a special effort to attend, and bring an extra person with you from your family or one of your friends. Please also promote the Procession through your Prayer Groups.

So come along and receive many blessings and graces. We look forward to seeing you there. 

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