Abortion 'Exclusion Zones' to be introduced by September
Precious Life has condemned the Department of Health’s announcement that it will introduce “abortion zones” by September 2023.
The zones will ban and criminalise women and men who pray within 250 metres of an abortion centre.
The Department said all Health and Social Care Trusts will introduce the zones, and detailed preparation work has been ongoing for a number of months, including mapping and signage arrangements.
The abortion zones legislation is so broad and sweeping that it will be a CRIME to DO ANYTHING near an abortion centre which might "influence" a person in their decision to attend an abortion centre. Holding a sign; distributing leaflets; talking to a woman to offer her help, or simply praying outside an abortion centre will now be a crime.
The announcement was welcomed by Sinn Féin. Pro-abortionist Emma Sheerin MLA said "It is good news…" that people who pray near abortion centres will be branded criminals and punished by fines up to £2500.
These abortion zones break one of the key principles of the Good Friday Agreement, which upholds the right to expression of religion. Affirming the Human Rights of everyone in Northern Ireland, the Good Friday Agreement states, 'The parties affirm their commitment to the mutual respect, the civil rights and the religious liberties of everyone in the community ...the parties affirm in particular ...the right to freedom and expression of religion'.
However, in a hypocritical disregard of this affirmation, the pro-abortion parties - Sinn Féin, SDLP, Alliance UUP, Green Party and PBP – voted in the Assembly to pass the abortion zones legislation and deny the civil rights and religious liberties of anyone in Northern Ireland who prays near an abortion centre.
Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth said, "In a humane society, the safest place for a baby should be their mother’s womb. Precious Life will work to create ‘safe zones’ for all unborn babies and their mothers throughout Northern Ireland."
She concluded "We will not be deterred by these draconian zones. We will redouble our efforts in our public awareness campaigns to expose the horrific reality of what abortion does to an innocent baby in the womb, and the physical and emotional harm that abortion causes women."