Belfast Council target Pro-Life Stalls in City Centre

Belfast City Council has outlined proposals to create bye-laws to fine people £500 if they set up a stall with information leaflets in the city centre. Anyone using amplification equipment will also face the same fines.

The proposed bye-laws would force a person to pay a fee to obtain a permit from the council before placing a stall with promotional literature or information, or use an amplification device, in a public place within the city centre.

However, the Council can refuse or revoke permits. The Council will only issue a permit under certain conditions depending on the "nature" of activity. And permit holders will be forced to comply with the Council's conditions and any code of conduct that may be produced.

Anyone carrying out activities without a permit will be fined £500

While the Council claim the new bye laws are to "tackle the noise nuisance", they will specifically target pro-life groups and street evangelists.

Precious Life has a weekly stall in Belfast City Centre, distributing information leaflets on the dangers of abortion, and collecting signatures for pro-life petitions.

And many Street Evangelists use amplification equipment to read aloud the Bible in the City Centre.

But in an outburst of hate speech, the pro-abortion SDLP labelled this as "bile" and said the situation cannot be allowed to continue.

The proposed laws are also supported by other pro-abortion groups in the Council-  Alliance Party, Green Party, and Sinn Fein.

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth said, “These proposed bye-laws are a blatant attack on free speech. Such laws would be far reaching and disproportionate. They will specifically target pro-life stalls and street preaching, but the laws will be so broad that any group or organisation with a public presence should be concerned.

"Bye laws should only be considered as a last resort after a council has tried to address any particular issues through other means. And bye laws cannot be made where alternative legislative measures already exist. Bye laws should also be proportionate and reasonable.

"But these bye-law proposed by Belfast City Council are not a measure of last resort because the Council has not tried to address any alleged issues through other means. And legislation already exists – the Public Order Act - that can be used to address any alleged issues. 

"The Council's proposals are definitely not proportionate and reasonable because they conflict with the rights to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. These are fundamental human rights – both protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act."

"The proposals also breach the Good Friday Agreement. In its section affirming the Human Rights of everyone in Northern Ireland, the Good Friday Agreement states, ‘The parties affirm their commitment to the mutual respect, the civil rights and the religious liberties of everyone in the community ...the parties affirm in particular ...the right to freedom and expression of religion’."

Belfast Council is asking the public for their views on the scheme ahead of the bye-law being approved and rolled out across the City centre. The Public Consultation period is from 27 November 2023 to 04 March 2024

Bernadette Smyth concluded, “We urge people to respond to the Consultation and send a clear message to Belfast City Council that the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, and the religious liberties of everyone in the community, must be upheld."


Freedom of assembly and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights – both protected under Articles 10 and 11 of the Human Rights Act.

The Good Friday Agreement safeguards the civil rights and the religious liberties of everyone in the community, in particular, the right to freedom and expression of religion.

RESPOND NOW to the Public Consultation and tell Belfast City Council that you want them to uphold and protect religious liberties, and the fundamental human rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

Precious Life has produced GUIDANCE on how to respond HERE...



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