Precious Life launch VOTE FOR LIFE Campaign

Precious Life have launched their VOTE FOR LIFE Campaign after the Prime Minister announced a Westminster General Election for Thursday 4th July 2024.

The Campaign will expose the Political Parties and candidates who support the killing of babies in Northern Ireland, and encourage people to vote for pro-life candidates only.

See the Party Policies on abortion here...

Northern Ireland has the most extreme abortion law in Europe, which allows the killing of babies in the womb, for any reason, right up to the moment of birth. This horrific abortion legislation was forced on Northern Ireland by the Westminster Government with the full support of politicians from the Alliance Party,  Green Party,  Sinn Féin,  SDLP, Ulster Unionist Party and People Before Profit. These Parties are complicit in the deaths of the more than 7681 babies that have now been killed in Northern Ireland by abortion.

It was also these Parties that voted to criminalise any person who prays outside an abortion centre.

MPs from these Parties consistently voted against any legislation in Westminster that aimed to protect unborn babies; and they consistently voted in support of legislation that led to the killing of even more babies.

Now, candidates from these same Political Parties who will be asking for votes on Thursday 4th July 2024.

Precious Life urge people to contact the candidates, or challenge them on the doorsteps, and demand they do everything to restore full protection for unborn babies in Northern Ireland.

The VOTE FOR LIFE Campaign will send out a clear message to these Political Parties that we will never vote for any candidate who supports killing babies in the womb.

If you would like to help to distribute Campaign Leaflets across Northern Ireland, call us on 02890278484 or email

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