Abortion the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide
Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2024, according to new data published by “Worldometer”, which shows there were 45.1 million babies killed by abortions last year.
This surpassed deaths caused by cancer (8.2 million), smoking (5 million), HIV/AIDS (1.7 million), traffic fatalities (1.35 million) and suicide (1.1 million).
This horrific abortion number is almost incomprehensible, but each of those 45,100,000 abortions represents a living human being whose life was violently destroyed in their mother’s womb. Each unborn baby already had their own unique DNA, making them distinct from their mother. That DNA indicated if the child was a boy or girl, their eye and hair colour, their height, and much more. In most cases, the unborn babies’ hearts are beating when they are aborted, too.
For context, Ireland’s population north and south is approximately 7 million. Therefore, the death toll of babies killed by abortion worldwide is more than six times the entire population of the island of Ireland.
Entire country’s worth of people are being killed every single year. No other single fact explains the upheaval taking place around the world. There can never be peace in the world when there is no peace in the womb.
In Northern Ireland, over 8490 babies have been killed since abortion was legalised in 2020. This is more than double the number of people killed throughout during "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland.
But Precious Life will continue campaigning to protect unborn babies in Northern Ireland in this our 28th year of pro-life activism. Our plans for 2025 are already well under way. These include:
1. Step up our PRO-LIFE STREET OUTREACH in more towns across Northern Ireland
2. Step up our PRAYER VIGILS at the abortion centres in Northern Ireland
3. Design and print NEW PRO-LIFE MATERIALS to educate the public on the reality of abortion
4. Organise PRO-LIFE RALLIES and LIFE CHAINS throughout the year
5. Expand our LIFE LINK initiative across Ireland to replace abortion centres with life-affirming pregnancy centres
Every week throughout the year, we are engaged in pro-life activism. Why not make a New Year Resolution to join us for Street Outreach even just once a month. Or if you would like to help us in any way to stop the death toll of babies killed by abortion in Northern Ireland, give us a call on 02890278484 or email info@preciouslife.com.