Three women presented themselves at Strand Road police station in Derry on Monday 23rd May, claiming that they had procured illegal abortion pills and delivered the poisonous substances to women in Northern Ireland, contrary to section 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
In response to Alliance for Choice’s latest publicity stunt, Bernadette Smyth, the director of Precious Life, the leading pro-life group in Northern Ireland, stated:
“Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, and misoprostol are poisonous substances taken together to abort an unborn child up to nine weeks of pregnancy. Abortion is not healthcare, and no respectable healthcare professional who cared about his or her patients would ever ‘prescribe’ these deadly drugs, the purpose of which is to attack an already vulnerable and distressed woman’s mind and body and to end the life of her unborn child.
“The risks associated with taking mifepristone and misoprostol include serious side-effects and potentially life-threatening and fatal complications. Heavy bleeding is the most common complication for women who have taken these drugs and infection and haemorrhage are the most frequent causes of mifepristone-related illness and death.
“Since 2001, at least twenty-two women worldwide have died from fatal complications including haemorrhage, toxic shock, sepsis, organ failure, and ruptured ectopic pregnancy following an early abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol. Twelve women, one in Canada, eight in the United States, one in Portugal, one in Australia, and one in England, have died from sepsis or toxic shock syndrome.
“A woman can lose her unborn child at anytime and anywhere during this abortion process. She will often sit on a toilet and prepare to expel her dead baby which she will then flush away. She may even see her dead baby and his or her tiny fingers and toes. Women are most often haunted by unresolved grief and guilt and memories of their dead baby for years to come.
“Women deserve better than abortion. That is why Stanton Healthcare Belfast is here to provide help and practical support to women faced with unplanned pregnancies in Northern Ireland.”