The Genie in the Lamp

The British Journal of Photography published an article on Thursday 4th of May. This article focuses on Barcelona-based photographer, Laia Abril, who wants to be “emotionally involved” and “empathise” with pregnant women by promoting abortion, the intentional killing of their unborn children. We need to become emotionally involved and empathetic towards mothers and their unborn children, saving both lives because the right to life isn’t a privilege. It’s a priority.

The viewpoint Ms Abril is taking is photographing instruments and tools used for so-called “backstreet” abortions. However, what she refuses to acknowledge is that a lot of these instruments are used for so-called “safe and legal” abortions. Where is the photography of the aborted and dismembered limbs of babies? She stated that she wants to “highlight the long, continuous erosion of women’s reproductive rights”. Abortion isn’t healthcare. What about the erosion of the right to life for everyone including unborn babies? What about equality. The value of a human being can’t be ranked based on the circumstances of conception or any disability they may have.

Marta, 29, from Poland had an abortion in 2015. She said she felt “lonely and frustrated” but “All the same, I felt stronger and more mature afterwards.” I fail to realise how stripping unborn babies of their right to life makes you more resilient and mature. We want women to be strong and open to alternatives to abortion, prenatal healthcare to give families help and support particularly for crisis pregnancies. Women are vulnerable when pregnant therefore they need all the emotional, medical, life-affirming help we can provide.

“The project is not about the experience of abortion itself but about the repercussions of women not having legal, safe or free access to the procedure”. The reason the experience of abortion will not be discussed is because the media and people who are pro-abortion will not address the reality of poisoning and dismembering unborn children and the fact that it is something that women could regret for the rest of their lives. So-called “safe and legal” abortions can cause anxiety attacks, severe depressions, haemorrhaging, and higher risk of breast cancer, life-threatening infection, and perforation of the womb, infertility and even death. 

If pro-abortion people don’t want to believe the words of pro-life activists, trust in the words of Anthony Levatino, a former pro-abortion obstetrician gynaecologist of 37 years’ experience, In my career I performed 1200 abortions and everything I tell you is first-hand and true”. He emphasises that a 2nd trimester abortion is a “blind procedure” involving reaching in with the instrument again and again and tear out the spine, the intestines, the heart and lungs.

“You know you did it right if you crush down on the instrument and a white material runs out of the cervix. That was the babies brain and then you can pull out skull pieces.

He speaks of the “little face that comes back and stares back at you. Congratulations you just performed a second trimester abortion. You just affirmed her right to choose. You just made $800 cash in 15 minutes.” However, he goes on to say that his view changed and “I didn’t see her wonderful right to choose I didn’t see what a great doctor I was helping her with problems I didn’t even see the $800 cash I’d made in 15 minutes all I could see was somebodies son or daughter.”

“I have terminated 100s of pregnancies in my career to save women’s lives and I didn’t have to kill a single baby in the process” and “If you let this genie out of the lamp you will not be able to put it back. It is a slippery slope to abortion-on-demand And soon it really will be choice.”     

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