DISGRACEFUL - Irish Abortion Committee votes for abortion on demand without restriction up to 12 weeks


Date: 14th December 2017
Contact: Bernadette Smyth
Tel:  07956451655  / 02890278484 

DISGRACEFUL: Irish Abortion Committee votes for abortion on demand without restriction up to 12 weeks

A deeply flawed and unequivocally biased parliamentary committee in the Republic of Ireland has voted to recommend that Irish babies in the womb be killed for any reason up to 12 weeks, stripping the unborn child of all legal protection. Oireachtas Committee members made up of TDs and senators voted 14-6 to recommend to the Oireachtas (parliament) yesterday to repeal the 8th amendment, and voted 12-5 to recommend to allow abortions without restrictions up to 12 weeks.

Director of Precious Life Bernadette Smyth said today that yesterday’s vote was an “extraordinary decision” which “provides abortion on demand for any reason whatsoever.” The Precious Life Director slammed the appalling vote, labelling it "a total betrayal of women and their unborn babies."

“The heinous reality that there’s no conditionality in it whatsoever makes it one of the most liberal abortion regimes in Europe. It’s a terrifying prospect – if the eighth amendment is not retained, Dublin will likely become the abortion capital of Europe. The people of Ireland need to rise up and defend the right to life, and reject this truly disgraceful, backwards and barbaric agenda,” Mrs Smyth continued.

“When it comes to abortion, there is no border. If the right to life is undermined legally in the South of Ireland, it will effect the law in Northern Ireland also.

it is certain that we will see the same frivolous disregard for human life here in the North also. We stand united as a pro-life movement North and South, and we will fight to save the eighth amendment and protect every unborn child in this country who has a right to live. Life is not just for the planned, the perfect or the privileged," the Precious Life Director said today. 

“Really what has been made abundantly clear here is that this has never been about the hard cases. For so long, abortion advocates in this country have exploited these marginal cases, using vulnerable women and their special needs children, for instance, to argue for a broad-based abortion platform. What we now know is that the end goal of this deeply flawed and biased committee was always abortion on demand, for any reason, up to birth. It is beyond heinous," she added.

The bias of the committee set up to examine the 8th amendment to the Irish Constitution has been thinly veiled since its inception, with just 4 pro-life speakers present compared to a staggering 24 pro-abortion speakers. "Thankfully this deeply flawed committee won’t have the final say on the Eighth Amendment. The people of Ireland will have the final say, and I am confident that Ireland will uphold our legal and cultural respect for all human life."

Precious Life will work with our counterparts in the rest of Ireland to continue working to keep abortion not only illegal, but unthinkable.

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