PRESS RELEASE: Precious Life launch 'Fight-Back' Campaign

Northern Ireland's leading pro-life group Precious Life are launching their official 'Fight-Back Campaign' in Derry and Belfast City Centre (July 27). The group are making it very clear that they will fight against the cruel and extreme law that the Westminster Government is trying to force onto Northern Ireland, against the principles of devolution and against the wishes of the people.


Precious Life founder and director, Bernadette Smyth, has said, "Precious Life will be launching the huge 'Fight-Back' Campaign with the support and help of thousands of pro-life people in Northern Ireland who agree that abortion is not - and never will be - in our name. We will be giving the pro-life majority in Northern Ireland a powerful voice and a platform to come out fighting against this horrific and barbaric piece of legislation."


"We have a very short window of time to defeat this evil law. But there is always hope. Time and time again the citizens of Northern Ireland have rejected the legalisation of abortion. Our unborn babies of Northern Ireland desperately need us to be their voice. The success of this campaign means the difference between life and death of thousands - if not millions - of Irish children."


Mrs Smyth concluded, "We are urging all pro-life people to join us in this urgent campaign to stop the slaughter of the most innocent and defenceless members of our society - unborn baby boys and girls. We will be organising countless events and prayer vigils to make a very clear statement to Westminster that abortion is 'Not in Our Name'!"

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