Death of woman who travelled to UK for abortion 'deeply sad'
A coroner in London has described as catastrophic and deeply sad the events that led to the death of a woman who had travelled to the UK from Ireland for an abortion in 2012.
A coroner in London has described as catastrophic and deeply sad the events that led to the death of a woman who had travelled to the UK from Ireland for an abortion in 2012.
Northern Ireland’s leading pro-life group Precious Life have officially opened a Book of Condolence for baby Alfie Evans who died after Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool refused to allow his parents to take their child to Italy for treatment.
The vigil, arranged by Precious Life, was a powerful and beautiful display of solidarity for Alfie Evans and his family
"The cruelty and depravity of the report is thinly veiled, and it recommends a change in abortion law for sick babies up to birth," said Bernadette Smyth.
“As GPs and other healthcare workers, we feel that the public are entitled to know that the Government’s proposal has nothing to do with healthcare, and everything to do with introducing abortion on demand into Ireland.”