She Did an At-Home Abortion and Then Put The Baby’s Body in a Box on Her Porch
Jennie Lynn McCormack who self-aborted in 2010 using unspecified abortifacient pills purchased over the Internet when she was between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant.
Jennie Lynn McCormack who self-aborted in 2010 using unspecified abortifacient pills purchased over the Internet when she was between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant.
Clinic staff failed to inquire or report about suspected sexual abuse of her thirteen-year-old daughter after giving her an abortion.
North and South of Ireland join together to send a clear message to their respective governments that “the lives of the unborn must be protected.”
It was the largest pro-life rally yet held in Belfast as 8,000 people participated in the lively and colourful event which wound its way through Belfast before hearing speakers at the Rally stage.
It is of the utmost importance that thousands of people come out to support this year’s Rally, and to send out a clear message to Stormont and the Dáil that we will never be silent while unborn babies are under the threat of abortion.