NI Secretary of the State calls for Stormont to be reconvened
Secretary of the State for Northern Ireland, MP Julian Smith, has made a clear statement to call for Stormont being reconvened before Monday (Oct 21).
Secretary of the State for Northern Ireland, MP Julian Smith, has made a clear statement to call for Stormont being reconvened before Monday (Oct 21).
A new opinion poll has found that a majority of people in Northern Ireland are opposed to Westminster's abortion law, which is set to be imposed on 21st October if the Stormont Parliament is not reconvened.
Join us for a week of prayer and action to stop Westminster's appalling and cruel abortion legislation.
"In particular we conveyed our strongly held and shared conviction that the devolved institutions need to be restored before the 21 October to avoid unacceptably wide-ranging abortion legislation."
Baroness Paisley has appealed for the DUP and Sinn Fein to compromise in order to see Stormont restored within less than a fortnight so that abortion will not be decriminalised.