Vote for Life


In Northern Ireland and throughout Europe there is a concerted campaign being waged by a number of pro-abortion politicians to introduce the killing of unborn children right up to the very moment of birth.
In fact, in 2013, three parties in Northern Ireland put forward a petition of concern which blocked an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that would have closed Marie Stopes International in Belfast. The signatures to that petition included 29 members of Sinn Fein, Anna Lo of the Alliance Party and Steven Agnew of the Green Party. And in the European Parliament, MEP Martina Anderson of Sinn Fein was in favour of the Estrella report, that would have made abortion a human right throughout the whole of Europe. [ ]

The protection of unborn babies before birth is the one issue that continues to unite the people of Northern Ireland across the divide. We do not want the killing of innocent children made legal here in any circumstances!!

On Thursday 22nd May, there are many issues - social and political - about which you will be concerned, e.g. education, health, unemployment, etc. The right to life of unborn children is not the only issue facing you at the polling booth.

However, ask yourself this: Is it right to vote for a candidate who supports the killing of unborn children? Whatever their merits, this would render such candidates unfit to hold office. If a candidate cannnot respect the life of a little baby, how is he/she supposed to respect your life?

“Will you protect the right to life of all unborn children?”

Contact details of NI Candidates standing for European Election

Please contact these candidates and ask them, if elected, will they uphold the right to life of all unborn children.


  • Alliance Party - Anna Lo: 02890330811    LINK to Anna's view on abortion


Anna lo has been prominent in the media calling for an extension of the legislation as it exists in Britain.

Quote from Anna Lo: Ireland and N Ireland are out of step with the UK and most other countries in the EU. We are being seen as the backward country dominated by misguided religious dogma. The dated views of some of our politicians and senior legal figures about abortion have become a laughing stock across the water and certainly would not be acceptable by the public there.


  • DUP - Diane Dodds: 02892667733    LINK to Diane's view on abortion


Quote from Diane Dodds: “In Europe, Westminster and Stormont the DUP will resist any attempt to liberalise the law on abortion. As a party we believe in the right to life of the unborn child. We believe that to be the view of the overwhelming majority of people in Northern Ireland and will express such opinions at every opportunity."


  • Green Party - Ross Brown: 02891459110    Ross and his Green Party are Pro-Abortion



  • NI Conservative - Mark Brotherston: 02891859073


 No comments yet from Mark Brotherson


  • NI21 - Tina McKenzie: 02890521580


Quote from Tina McKenzie: ‘Our view is that a woman has the right to decide’. ‘we need to move away from a debate that pins abortion as either right or wrong and we have to take into account the variety of circumstances that women have to go through.’


  • SDLP - Alex Attwood: 028 9080 7808

Email: /

“The SDLP position on abortion is clear. We are opposed to abortion and opposed to the extension of the British 1967 Act to Northern Ireland. […] We want to work to develop a society where all human life is cherished and protected” (Press Release 8/10/2004)

However, on the BBC Nolan Show, Alex Attwood stated that he would support a change in the law – to legalise abortion in cases of foetal abnormality


  • Sinn Fein - Martina Anderson: 02890347350

Email:    LINK to Martina's view on abortion

Quote from Martina Anderson:  I voted against the alternative motions for resolution as proposed by the ECR/EPP which makes reference to the Cairo ICPD Programme of Action which considers that reproductive health care should include the ‘prevention of abortion’. Sinn Féin believes that the option of a termination should be available where there is a real and substantial risk to the life of a pregnant woman, including where she is suicidal, that would only be averted by an abortion, and in the case of rape or incest. We voted against the extension of the 1967 Act to the North of Ireland when it was proposed in the Assembly. We support the introduction of legislation in the 26 Counties in line with the X Case and we have called for the immediate introduction of guidance for medical professionals in the 6 Counties. Reproductive rights can refer to a range of services covering maternal, post natal, menopausal, reproductive cancers and fertility treatments. It is my party’s and my own view that women should not be denied access to such services. I was prepared to vote in line with party policy on all aspects of the Estrela report; however, the report was not voted.


  • Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) - Jim Alister: 02825640250


Quote from Jim Allister: ‘TUV takes a strong pro-life stance. I am also a member of the Assembly’s pro-life group. I will ensure that you have a strong pro-life voice if elected to Europe.’


  • United Kingdom Independent Party Northern Ireland (UKIP)Henry Reilly: 02890521613 / 07801676579


Quote from Henry Reilly: I am pro-life in all circumstances as is David McNarry. Nigel Farage is actively lobbying to get the abortion law changed in England because it is a disgrace that Children can be aborted there at such a late stage and premature children can be kept alive at an earlier stage than they can carry out abortions to, our deputy Leader Paul Nuttall is a patron of SPUC . I am sorry if you are ''pro-choice'' and my views offend you but I am unashamedly pro-life from conception to death and always will be.


  • Ulster Unionists Party (UUP) - Jim Nicholson: 02890474634


Jim Nicholson voted in favour of the alternative motion that stated that the EU has no competence to impose on its Member States any of the measures called for in the Estrela Report. The European Parliament adopted the alternative resolution and rejected the Estrela Report. The Estrela Report proposed to make abortion a human right, introduce compulsory sex education for primary school children and deny the right to conscientious objection for healthcare professionals who are opposed to abortion. 

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