The All Ireland Rally For Life

There's only ONE WEEK to go until Ireland's biggest EVER Rally for Life, taking place on March the 10th in Dublin. There are now less than 90 days to a vote that, if passed, will legalise abortion and take away the right to life of innocent babies.

The proposal put forward by the government would make our 'abortion laws' more extreme than the UK where 200,000 babies lose their lives every year.  This is our LAST CHANCE to stand together in this last major pro-life rally where we stand FOR life before the referendum.  Please don’t let this be the last year where preborn babies have a right to life in Ireland. Attend the Rally to Save the 8th on Saturday, 10th March in Dublin City Centre starting at Parnell Square at 2pm.

There are buses travelling from all over Ireland to the Rally; Please, please commit to attending this crucial event and making this year's rally the biggest and best ever! 

CALL US NOW on 028 9027 8484 or EMAIL us at to find out your nearest bus and book your seat today! Their iives depend on YOU.

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