Join Precious Life in 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

The battle to protect our unborn children is first and foremost a spiritual battle. So we ask each and every one of you to unite with us in 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting beginning Monday 5th November to Friday 14th December.

Precious Life is once again on the front line of another fierce battle for the protection of the lives of our innocent and vulnerable unborn children. And as we've always said - the battle to stop abortion is first and foremost spiritual, and must be fought firstly with prayer and secondly with action. I know they go hand in hand. We must be like David when he faced Goliath - he called on God first because he knew he couldn't defeat the giant without God's help!

At this moment, by the grace of God we are holding back the floodgates of legalised abortion by just a thread - and this thread is the only lifeline that our unborn babies have at this time. We need your prayers and fasting to help stop the Westminster Parliament forcing abortion unto Northern Ireland one of the most liberal abortion laws in the world. 

The battle has fiercely intensified, with numerous threats coming from powerful abortion organisations in Britain in collusion with pro-abortion MPs and Peers at Westminster, who are all straining at the leash to repeal our pro-life laws and legalise the killing of our unborn children. Northern Ireland is a pivotal battle ground for the pro-death forces as it's now one of the last remainging countries where unborn children are still protected, and where abortion is illegal. Tragically, the rest of Europe, and indeed most of the world, is steeped in the blood of innocent chidlren. Even the Republic of Ireland is intent on introducing new laws to start killing unborn babies as early as January.

Therefore, it has never been so important for prayer and fasting to be offered up for the protection of our pro-life laws in Northern Ireland. At the moment, a dark cloud rests over the North. We must pray and fast for the intercession of God in protecting our mothers and unborn babies from the horror and scourge of abortion.

As you know, prayer is one of the most powerful tools that God has given us. Just think of what we will accomplish when we all unite together for 40 days of prayer, pulling out all the stops to end the violence of abortion. As Jesus tells us, some evil can only be driven out by prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29).

The two go hand-in-hand. Fasting is not some kind of 'Christian diet' - it is a form of 'physical prayer'. during Lent...we encourage you to fast from favourite foods; alcohol; cigarettes; sweets; TV; itnernet; etc. With the money you would have spent on these items, you could make a donation to the work of Precious Life.

During the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting, we are urging people to distribute our urgent “Lobby for Life” petition postcards in their local areas, communities, churches and parishes. 

I encourage you to commit yourself to the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting. I also ask you to encourage your family, friends, churches and prayer groups to get involved in this most urgent campaign. With God, all things are possible - even stopping Westminster forcing abortion onto Northern Ireland!

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